Monday, September 30, 2019

Amazing Grace Essay

In the movie Amazing Grace was a horrible yet completely realistic conditions of the most poor, rundown neighborhoods and districts in New York City. During the 18th century millions of men, woman and children were taken from their homes in Africa and sold into slavery. Few survived the slave trade was wrong, and to find one who had the courage to stand-up against it seemed impossible. Humanity needed a hero, someone who could establish equally. The movie Amazing Grace tells the account of an Englishman who gave his health and youth to end slave trade. Like hero’s history and literature, William Wilberforce’s story followed the archetype of a traditional hero. William Wilberforce was an example of a common mortal hero. He was a normal, completely realistic person, in that he stumbled many times and often emphasized his humanity by saying, â€Å"Am I not a man?†After years of work without success he felt he had failed, but he still pressed forward. He possessed no extraordinary power or skill, but he rose to the occasion and changed the world. Not only was William one of the few who was disgusted by the slave trade ,he was also one of the select few who had the courage to stand up against it. Someone once said, â€Å"Courage does not consist in feeling no fear, but in conquering fear.†William Wilberforce was an ordinary man, but he was able to overcome fear and be a hero. However, he would not have been able to do it without the help of many friends. Loyal companions have played a large role in many hero stories, and the story of William Wilberforce is not different. William Pitt, the Prime Minister, was William’s best friends. He was able to keep Wilberforce in good standing and also assisted in the eventual success of his bill which banned the slave trade. William Pitt also encouraged him to keep trying. William Pitt was one of the main reasons for his friend’s success. Without him, William Wilberforce would have quit, and even if he had continued trying he would never had been able to pass his bill. Many other heroic friends played a part in William’s success. These included Hannah Moore, a well respected and religious lady, Tomas Clarkson, a passionate and powerful speaker, and Equiano a former slave. Perhaps most important was the role of William’s love, Barbara Spooner. Barbra Spooner was the woman figure in this hero story. She was a huge source of inspiration for William, and her  intellect attracted him. It was Barbra who succeeded in helping William get back on track to save the slaves. Barbra brought William through the darkest moments of discouragement by offering the encouraging words, after night comes day. You still have passion that’s what matters most. William Wilberforce was a traditional hero. Although just a common man, he was able to become the hero humanity needed. Character archetypes, such as William’s friends and his love, as well as situational and symbolic archetypes, occur throughout this story defining it as the legacy of a hero. William however will return to his family, lay his head on his pillow and remember that the slave trade is no more. Through his work to establish equality, William Wilberforce added his name to the list of people who made great sacrifices for the greater good people known as heroes. I think they named it Amazing Grace because it was a hard and amazing establishment, so they named it after the song.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

My Hands That Close To Your Neck

In anticipation of an upcoming Ethical Dilemma, I was striving to prepare myself for a choice I might have to make. I wanted to make the choice that gave an accurate impression of who I am; and who I am is someone who wants to be ethical, evolved, yet not at all a oilpan for the machinations of the morally corrupt. Here's the situation: I lived in a small town, where all your actions can affect how you are viewed, your ability to function in that town, or do business, or simply exist in harmony; and that view can be reflected back to you with dizzying speed. I was to be involved in a public event, and worried that I might cross paths with a particular person, whom I'll call the Big Eraser. This person lived in my home, used my things, brought no belongings, and in fact had none–only a white garbage sack of items†¦not due to youth (this person is pushing 40), and not due to an inability to be self-supporting. I had been loving, generous and supportive to B.E., and what I got in return was sloth, abuse, lies, deceit and eventual admissions of hatred after I removed B.E. from my home. This person had treated me with disregard, cost me money, frustration and stress, and managed to get away with it for various reasons. I learned some important lessons–I believe that everyone with whom we cross paths can be seen as a teacher. We don't have to like them for that to be true. So, this was a small town, as I mentioned, and I was set up to provide a service, and fully expected B.E. to attend this public event, and that it might necessarily put me in a position to provide this service to B.E., should that request be made. It's important to note that this service is Therapeutic Touch Treatments, and therefore requires me to impart love and healing–the last thing I feel I am capable of giving to this person. My response to this hypothetically anticipated request will also be rather public, and while I didn't want to seem hostile, I also didn't want to appear a doormat, nor did I wish to impart â€Å"reward† or seem to condone or approve of B.E., only for the sake of social graces. I was not disingenuous enough to pretend I had affection for this person. Add to this, the fact that B.E. has repeatedly avoided karmic debt, and it irks me that B.E. has been able to charm around and over everyone until they personally experience the truth of who B.E. really is. This is a person who was a self-confessed former drug dealer/maker, who damaged or perhaps was responsible for the deaths of an unknown number of people–maybe even kids–and had the unmitigated gall to brag about it. This is a person who has lied to others (including myself, initially) about burn scars, stating that they were received in some heroic gesture, when really the burns were received in a drug lab fire while cooking Methamphetamine. Yet B.E. had managed to snow everyone else, and also land a great job that paid well and offered security–this, with a criminal past, with a history of dodging taxes, and without a GED or High School Diploma. So in regard to my response to B.E. in this scenario, I have a generalized angst attached, i.e., â€Å"Why do good things happen to bad people?† These are examples of possible skewing of perception, as well as Internal Noise. Now, an argument can be made that The Wheel of Karma spins on its own, and does not require that we manually turn it. If a karmic debt is due, it will be paid, one way or another, and it is the most healthy thing for me to keep my hands off that wheel. I remind myself of this frequently, when I have to deal with people like B.E. Back to the Public Event in which I might cross paths with this person: Should B.E. approach my area and say, â€Å"I'd like a treatment,† my response is crucial for many reasons. In my mind, I had conjured possible responses to such a request (testing hypothesis): â€Å"F*** you.† (anger) â€Å"Are you out of your mind? Get out of my face, Loser.† (anger + judgment) (suggested by my best friend:) â€Å"I would love to give you a treatment†¦but for you, it will cost $700, because that's one of the debts you left for me.† (sarcasm + bitterness) â€Å"It's not a good idea for me to have my hands that close to your neck.† (sarcasm + veiled threat) â€Å"I don't think that would be a good idea.† (avoidance + statement of fact) â€Å"Sorry, I'm on a break.† (avoidance + a lie + non-confrontation)) â€Å"Let me think about that for a while.† (avoidance + stall + nonconfrontation) It is important to me that I make choices rooted in an evolved mind†¦my more primitive side wants to lash out. My intellectual side wants to take a firm stance and my spiritual side wants to put only loving things into my environment and those around me, because that's what I want to get back. I am a great fan of having all those parts of myself satisfied, yet I suspect this isn't possible. I have to choose. If I choose the â€Å"High Road† and say, â€Å"Sure, sit right down here and let me give you some love and healing.† Then I feel I have chumped myself, compromised my integrity, become spineless, have condoned reprehensible choices, and somehow validated B.E.'s evil ways. Why would I want to assist someone in their misbehavior? If I allow myself to become angry, I'm ultimately just hurting myself with stress, and giving B.E. power I don't wish B.E. to have. If I avoid B.E. and the situation, I feel cowardly, yet B.E. will probably order another beer and wander off, and I won't have to deal with it further†¦ Of course, this scenario might never unfold, but I don't feel my consideration and energy is moot; I still need to understand how to deal with it, and I still need to ask myself these types of questions. Since B.E. never appeared at the event, my angst and ethical hand-wringing became a moot point. I still don't know the answers to these questions. I never got the chance to act on the decision, even though I was relatively sure what my decision would be. If I had to say how I might handle it now (and how I would have handled it then, had I gotten the chance) I would say that I would have chosen the last response: â€Å"Let me think about that for a while.† This non-confrontational approach avoids conflict, defuses the situation, and also doesn't feel like it costs me any of my own integrity. I had an idea of expected behavior in that my choice of responses would have caused B.E. to wander off, without any provocation. It's quite possible that I would have been met with unexpected behavior, in that B.E. could have continued to engage me in a confrontational way, rather than to wander off. Either way, in order to create a list of responses, I had to understand my own mental models, and making the list alone was enough to inform me of my own place in this ethical dilemma, and it forced me to consider the type of person I wanted to be.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Should Prisoners Be allowed To Vote Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Should Prisoners Be allowed To Vote - Essay Example Mark Harper, the Minister for Constitutional and Political Reform in 2010 stated that offenders who are sentenced less than four years will possess right to vote in United Kingdom. These prisoners can take active participation in European Parliament Elections. However if the judge considers this kind of participation to be inappropriate then it can be eradicated while making the sentence. In overall context though there has been new laws implemented regarding voting rights of prisoners but it still needs to be incorporated throughout the system (Rozenberg, 2011). There are judicial officials who state that such form of rights initiate leniency in custodial sentence of a prisoner. On the contrary, the term democracy indicates that every individual shall be given their fundamental rights. Right to vote is one of the basic human rights which cannot be differentiated in context of an individual or a prisoner. From 1870, law was formed that restricted a prisoner from participating in Euro pean Parliament Elections. Successive governments in United Kingdom has sustained the particular position in relation to an individual breaking societal contract followed by imprisonment, will not be considered eligible for voting in any elections. This is a logical perspective as giving equal rights to prisoners will create more chaos in a region. However living in a democracy means every individual possess basic right, irrespective of their colour, creed, race, ethnicity, etc. The justifications given by politicians or judicial authority can be contradicted by stating that an individual involved in electoral fraud can be given a sentence by court (Easton, 2009). This sentence can indicate removal of voting rights for a fixed time period. Politicians being indulged in the procedure results into irrational moves. They are not focused on crime committed by prisoners while eradicating their right to vote but politicians are more inclined towards

Friday, September 27, 2019

Strategic Thinking and CSR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Strategic Thinking and CSR - Essay Example Strategic thinking gives leaders an opportunity to explore different ways of doing business that add value to the company. Strategic thinking requires thinking 'outside the box' and considering non-traditional ways of doing business. According to the Centre for Applied Research strategic thinking includes exploring the following: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) requires adding a key element to Strategic Thinking. CSR requires the business to look at the realm of social responsibility. CSR is the integration of a business into society. This integration requires that the company take a look at its 'neighbourhood' and create and maintain a relationship that benefits both society and the business. The business has to look for opportunities to be a good citizen. CSR is all about building positive relationships within the community. These positive relationships can take the form of relationships with universities, ethical research, product safety, recycling, education and job training, safe working conditions, etc(HBR, 2006) An example of Corporate Social Responsibility is Malden Mills. On December 11 of 1995 a factory in Massachusetts burned to the ground. Malden Mills employed about 3000 people from the local community and when the mill burnt down many thought their jobs were gone as well. Aaron Feuerstein was the owner of Malden Mills at the time and was faced with a monumental decision. What next Most would try to recoup costs and leave the community with 3000 unemployed people. Feuerstein chose the unthinkable route of keeping all 3000 people on the payroll while the mill was rebuilt. Aaron Feuerstein answered the 'why' question by replying "The fundamental difference is that I consider our workers an asset, not an expense."(Boulay, 1996) Feuerstein considered his investment in human capital as his most important investment. He was quoted as saying "I have a responsibility to the worker, both blue collar and white collar. I have an equal responsibility to the community. It would have been unconscio nable to put 3,000 people on the streets and deliver a death blow to the cities of Lawrence and Methuen. Maybe on paper our company is worth less to Wall Street, but I can tell you its worth more. We're doing fine.'"(Boulay, 1996). It is clear that Feuerstein felt that it was Malden Mill's corporate responsibility to care for its human capital as well as its structural capital (the mill). Feuerstein kept his 3000 employees on the payroll with full benefits for three months while the factory was rebuilt. A business that does not position itself as a contributing member of a community stands to lose in the long run. An example of a company not being socially responsible would be a food store in a small community. This

Thursday, September 26, 2019

SAM 448 UNIT 4 ASSIGNMENT Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

SAM 448 UNIT 4 - Assignment Example This paper attempts to outline and analyze the best tasks that should be applied in a historical event. An attorney in any sport event is crucial in management, planning and marketing of new events especially to outline risk management planning program. There are certain plans that a sports attorney can assist the company or an organization to succeed in a historical event that our organization is planning. Some of the tasks that are involved in the planning list may include aspects like, negotiation for contracts of the athletes, sponsorship deals, financial and taxation factors, television rights, insurance programs, and venue concessions. Each of the tasks described should have consideration on decisions that involve size, philosophy of control, and objectives of the event. It could be essential to divide the tasks to various groups to ensure that each category is properly managed. This means that subcontracting different tasks to various groups may be a desirable thing to do. Further, it is important to note that before any event is held, negotiations of various deals and issues m ust take place to ensure that responsibilities and various financial aspects are clearly outlined (Graham, Goldblatt and Neirotti, 2001). Before any sports event takes place, athletes must be engaged in negotiations of contracts to ensure that they are bound to such contract thus discipline and soberness when running the event can be experienced. Negotiation of contracts involves issues like salaries, terms of contract, date of beginning and expiry of the contract and remedies of breaching the contract. It is one of the most important task and activity in sports as it enables parties involved to run their organizations responsibly. Negotiations can involve experts or just the parties involved in the contract. Negotiation experts are usually involved to raise the bargaining power and ability of a certain party in the contract. Sponsorship deals are

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Totaltarian Regimes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Totaltarian Regimes - Essay Example In addition, totalitarianism is considered as a system of rule guided by an ideology whose perspective is geared on achieving a certain favorable political, social, and economic end by guiding every aspect of society to that goal with the use, to some extent, of "propaganda and terror"(Pleuger, "Totalitarianism," par.2). The system is also described as "both a form of social control as well as a method of social control" facilitated by advancement of technology and mass communication (Keis, "The Age of Totalitarianism," par. 10). Within the context of those definitions mentioned above that our discussion of totalitarianism will be based. In discussing history of totalitarianism, we do not consider intensively the birth of the concept of totalitarianism but we look into regimes that fit into the character as described by scholars as it occurred in history. We look deeper into what are the motives of totalitarian leadership and its impact on the society. By definition, it can be inferred that like any other form of governments, the system, by the perspective of the rulers, is anchored on the goal of total development for the country. Whether the approach would benefit a select few at the expense of other sector the concept of total development would likewise benefit the entire society. Taking violence, war, and human rights abuse and violations out of context, we can see that development brought by totalitarianism is highly considerable as shown by Russia's might in the Cold War era, the totalitarian monarchies in the Arabian region, and China's rise to economic dominance in the present times. Most totalitarian regimes with autocratic leadership hold on to power by imposing an official ideology upon its people. The master plan is laid and facilitated by controlling all means of mass media and information systems. There is only one political party which in some case becomes an alter ego of the leader and the exercise of free well and freedom of speech is being suppressed. Critics are subject to intense surveillance and executions are frequent with the use of strong police and military backing. All these are utilized to achieve the goals of the leadership. Dirty as it can be described, however, in dealing with totalitarian regimes it is argued that totalitarianism is different from authoritarianism although most totalitarian regimes are governed by authoritarians and dictators, but which is not always the case. Monarchy can be considered totalitarian but the role of a king is not as intimidating as a dictator. Of course, this point had its share of arguments in the past and is also a point of controversy in political science today. But looking at the present times we can see that monarchies rule in the principle of totalitarianism yet democratic processes are being recognized like the case of Britain, Saudi Arabia, Japan, and the other present day monarchies. This argument is the reason why the term totalitarian democracy emerged. Therefore we consider the brutal totalitarian regimes as a manifestation of extremism within the totalitarian concept. History of Totalitarianism Within

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Jewish Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Jewish Discussion - Essay Example Though Lisa’s request can be understandable from a personal standpoint when factoring in the seriousness with which she has began to take her faith over the last 10 years or so, to ensure fairness to both parties, her supervisor’s point should also be considered as well. There are various factors within this scenario that should be looked into before they are able to adequately absorb all the issues that come into play in this situation. The first issue to be taken into consideration is the length of time that Lisa has been seriously practicing her Jewish customs. This is to determine the level of seriousness with which she takes her faith so as to decide whether her request is a genuine one or simply an attempt at getting the weekend free for her own enjoyment. Despite that she did not become a serious practicing Jew until late into her 20s, it should be noted that since then, she has made an attempt to follow the various customs that are required of her for a period o f over ten years. The length of time shows the level of commitment that Lisa has to her Jewish religion and thus it can be decided that her request is a genuine one. ... If Lisa is granted the permission that she seeks, it will seem as if she is receiving special treatment due to her religion, which may bring about a number of complications as a result. The special treatment of one worker over the others may lead to a drop in morale among other issues that would cause a decrease in the level of quality of work output as a result (Levy, 2010). Thus, it is essential for the supervisor to come up with a way that will ensure there is no special treatment that is offered to Lisa. There are various ways for solving this, and this includes Lisa taking on extra shifts during the rest of the week to compensate for the time that she wishes to excuse herself. Another way is through the exchange of shifts with other nurses who may be free during these times which though may take some convincing as it would be hard   to convince one to give up their free weekend. However the maintenance of fairness among employees is the most essential issue and the main concer n that should be upheld. However, the supervisor can be said to have lacked the required cultural competence in the handling of that particular situation. Though his concerns were technically justifiable, the means in which he voiced these concerns could have been done in a better manner. It is always important to take into consideration the feelings of the individual that one is talking to when communicating with a person from the workplace despite the position that either party may hold (Befort & Budd, 2009). His harsh refusal and suggestion that Lisa moves back to New York could be taken out of context according to the nature of the conversation that was taking

Monday, September 23, 2019

Employability and Personal Development Assignment

Employability and Personal Development - Assignment Example Technological advances, multi-education programs, highly dynamic business environments and human mind-set have caused significant changes in the job-market over the last few decades. When it comes to the present day job-market, modern and traditional career makes greater differences, for instance, women generally tend to choose traditional career opportunities than the other, although they too embrace modern jobs in greater numbers. Modern career spans various jobs like skilled trading, services, professional and technical career etc. Modern jobs seem to be more challenging and better paying opportunities than the traditional careers. Technical or professional careers require higher qualifications and specialized skills whereas traditional careers are ordinary stereo-typed jobs that do not require such qualifications and skills. Modern jobs are more paying than traditional ones due to that traditional jobs are easy to perform and are requiring less skills and qualifications. As there are major differences between modern and traditional careers in respect to the skills, qualifications, knowledge and experience required for each, matter of interest and job satisfaction also become significant factors. For example, people seem to enjoy more satisfaction from skilled trading or technical jobs due to that it is more paying and more dignified jobs than the traditional ones. In these days, modern jobs are preferred by women and this trend has been increasing tremendously in many countries. It is not unusual to see females in many skilled trading, technical and professional careers like nursing, managing, sportscaster etc. The career being chosen must be one that gives satisfaction so that it may not be a burden throughout one’s life. I consider modern career to be approached and I feel that modern careers are challenges. There can be many formal job-seeking steps to be followed like meeting

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Service Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Service Marketing - Essay Example The image of the brand effectively represents the way the customers view an organization (Kapoor, Paul & Halder, 2011). Services’ marketing ensures that an organization such as McDonald’s presents and behaves itself in a modern consistent way in order to delivery on its promise of being the best in customer service. Customer service is the backbone of an organization since there is no organization that can operate without customers. It is therefore utmost paramount to establish world-class customer service to the clients in order for any organization to be successful. It is through best practices in services marketing which enable an organization to establish a strong reputable brand as well as effective and efficient customer service. Another factor that effectively supports services marketing includes marketing communication methods that include promotions and advertising and which are effectively used in creating designs, colors and images that give various brands th eir recognizable faces. The Golden Arches is McDonald’s familiar logo and it is recognizable to its customers the world over due to its exemplary performance in services marketing (Kapoor, Paul & Halder, 2011). McDonald’s faces stiff completion in all its markets from other competitors. Other factors that affect the organizations success include the numerous technological, legal and economical changes. Its marketing activities involves the identification of customer requirements and needs and ensuring that these needs are effectively and efficiently meet in a far much better way as compared to its competitors. This is the only way that an organization can create loyal customers and the management of McDonald’s knows this fundamental factor. The organization has established various services marketing activities that ensure that the organization stays on board and also at the top of its competitors. McDonald’s has among its services marketing a segment that is known as the key audiences and this is the organizations likely customers (Kapoor, Paul & Halder, 2011). The Pre-Purchase Stage McDonald’s also utilizes the invaluable factors of market research and marketing mix after having identified its key audiences. The marketing mix will be established in accordance to the specific appeals and preferences of the key audiences. The marketing mix is a terminology that is used to refer to the four key marketing tools, popularly known as the 4Ps. The 4Ps include the place, promotion, price and the product. The place refers specifically to where the products are sold to the customers. McDonald’s ensures that it has fully analyzed detailed information regarding its customers which is derived from the various ongoing market researches that it conducts regularly since it is very important to do this (Kapoor, Paul & Halder, 2011). This enables an organization to make informed and up-to-date decisions regarding the customers’ p references. This is among the key functions of services marketing that enable an organization to be in touch with its customers and their ever changing preferences. The McDonald’s Marketing Department then ascertains the key information that will determine the correct marketing mix. Among the questions that the marketing team tackles includes ; which restaurant is visited frequently, what are the prices that the customers would want to pay, which products are

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Environmental Crisis and Global Warming Essay Example for Free

Environmental Crisis and Global Warming Essay The world and mankind are facing different critical issues and problems which we inevitably have to deal with. These concerns have great impact to our lives. Everyday people have to remind themselves of these various perils to their existence. The media together with different organizations help us to become more aware of the problems currently on our midst. People may not find it an alarming and serious issue since the danger at the present time is negligible but sooner or later we will come to realize that we really are into serious danger. Global issues are global concerns. It is felt around the world not just on a particular location. It is a world wide issue that needs to be address. There are many types and forms of current global issues that the world has to face. There is the economic crisis felt all over the world. Various health issues that came out as more people get vulnerable to cancer and other forms of illnesses. There is terrorism which is a crisis in peace and order and security. There is also issue on moral degradation of the society. Lastly is the global warming or global climatic change. Even though some believe global warming to be a hoax, severe weather repercussions and environmental crisis prove the opposite. This global warming is an alarming environmental problem on a global scale. Some people still have doubts if the global warming issue is real or is just an imaginary anxiety fabricated by scientist who has predicted it as a serious problem in the near future. There was hundreds of information released about the onset of global warming. Many people have made research and studies to investigate these phenomena. Documentaries are produce to open the minds and inform the public regarding the new findings regarding the problem. A personal observation on our environment and a closer study will help one to discover and learn more about the development regarding the current issue on global warming. Big Picture of the Environmental Crisis Global warming, what does it really mean? What causes global warming? What factors contribute to this problem? And what are the effects of global warming? All of these are the questions frequently asked regarding this global environmental issue. Global warming is commonly known as the warming of the planet cause by the greenhouse gases that trapped the heat. Global warming is also known as global climatic change or global climatic disruption. Global warming resulted from the increase in heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere that causes the amplified hydrological cycle resulting in increased precipitation and flooding in some regions and more severe aridity in other areas. (Woods Hole Research Center, 2008) The phrase â€Å"climatic change† is preferred recently to be use than global warming because it helps convey that there are other changes aside from rising temperatures. Global warming involves the average increase in temperature of the atmosphere near the earth’s surface and in the troposphere, which can contribute in global climate patterns. Global warming and climatic change can be caused by a variety of factors, both natural and human-induced. (Environmental Protection Agency, 2008) Ozone layer depletion is oftentimes confused with global warming. Climate change and ozone depletion are different from one another but interrelated issues. Ozone depletion is not the principal cause of climate change and climate change is not the principal cause of ozone depletion. However, ozone depleting gases- such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and halons are greenhouse gases that do contribute to climate change. Ozone itself is a greenhouse gas that has effect on climate. In addition, certain changes in earth’s climate could affect the future condition of the ozone layer. For example, low temperature and strong polar winds both affect the extent and severity of winter polar ozone depletion. (EPA, 2008) The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon that helps regulate the earth’s temperature. Greenhouse gases (e. g. , carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, chlorofluorocarbons) act like insulating blanket, trapping solar energy that would otherwise escape into space. Without this natural greenhouse effect temperatures would be about 60oF lower than they are now and life as we all know it today would not be possible. However human activities, primarily the burning of fossil fuels and clearing of forest and industrialization have enhance the natural greenhouse effect, causing the earth’s average temperature to rise. (EPA, 2008) The greenhouse effect was first describes in theoretical terms by a Swedish researcher, Svante Arrhenius, in the late 1800s. However it wasn’t until the following century that Arrhenius’ theory was observed. In the 1930s, scientist realized that parts of the globe had warmed during the previous half-century. Then in early 1960s scientist discovered that the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was rising. Researchers began to take interest and found a strong relationship in between the increasing carbon dioxide and average global temperature. (EPA, 2008) Human-induced global climatic change is under way. The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) concluded that global mean surface air temperature has increased between about 0. 5 and 1. 1 degrees Fahrenheit in the last 100 years and anticipates a further continuing rise of 1. 8 to 6. 3 degrees Fahrenheit during the next century. Sea-level has risen on average 4-10 inches during the past 100 years and is expected to rise another 6 inches to 3 feet by 2100. (WHRC, 2008) Charts and graphs showed alarming trends. Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration has increase steadily over the past few years. The increase in the temperature is observed as well as the increase of the sea level. More disturbances in climate patterns have been greater in the previous years. These are environmental changes brought by this problem on global warming. Being Environmentally Conscious What are the ways to be conscious and aware of our impact on earth? People have to find ways or alternative energy resources. In the US for example the energy related activities account for over three quarters of human generated greenhouse emission, mostly in the form of carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels. Enhanced energy efficiency is found to be one of the cheapest, most effective and safest ways to reduce global warming. Buildings should practice energy efficiency. Cutting the fuel cost on the road by effective gas mileage will also help. Making home appliances more energy efficient will significantly lessen energy consumption. (wecansolveit. org, 2008) Adoption of renewable resources will help break the addiction to fossil fuels like coal and oil by switching to renewable energy. These include wind power, solar thermal, solar photovoltaics and geothermal power. (wecansolveit. org, 2008) Campaigns like â€Å"Zero Waste for Zero Warming† should also be supported. Landfills were found to be the largest source of methane (CH4) in the US, a global warming gas 23 times more powerful than CO2. Toxic dumps, landfills and incinerators must not be tolerated. People should learn to recycle and avoid littering. We can also use cloth bags as shopping bags to minimize waste. We need to promote green homes and businesses therefore taking monitor of our own carbon footprint. (Global Day Action, 2007) The Outcome If We Don’t Change Things: Who and What Will Be Affected? Severe weather changes will be the outcome if global warming will not be resolve early. These includes climatic change that will contribute to more destructive hurricanes and floods like Katrina, Gustav and Ike that cost millions of damages to property and life. Severe droughts will be experience in other parts of the world, deadly heat waves, wildfires and ocean temperatures rising. It will also affect the precipitation by increasing about 5 percent in atmospheric water vapor over the oceans increasing the risk of heavy rain and snow events. Scientist also predicted that the global average sea level will rise by 7 to 24 inches by 2100 due to thermal expansion alone. Arctic’s average temperature increases are nearly twice that of the rest of the world. The arctic sea ice could virtually disappear during the summer of 2020. Melting of permafrost will continue. This permafrost is ice that has permanently frozen into the ground. The permafrost traps methane and when the melting continues it will release more of it into the atmosphere. Melting due to climate change is expected to reduce the size and extent of the polar ice caps, even taking to account the potential of more snow and ice accumulation atop the ice sheets due to increased precipitation. Temperature changes in the Arctic Circle also cause polar bears to die. Also temperatures below oceans caused destruction of coral reefs. Ecosystems will also be affected because of floods and drought could lead to the risk of extinction for some animals and plant species. Agriculture and farming will also be affected due to weather extremes. Human health will also be greatly affected which will result in increases cases of malaria and dengue outbreak. Heat-related illness and cold related illness will increase. (EPA, 2008). Sandra Steingraber the author of Living Downstream also mentioned that the increase in cancer cases is attributed to environmental influences. The US Climate Policy The United States Federal Government has established a comprehensive policy to address climate change. This policy has three basic objectives namely: slowing the growth of emissions, strengthening science, technology and institutions and enhancing international cooperation. The federal government is implementing this policy through voluntary and incentive based programs and has established major government-wide programs to advance climate technologies and improve climate science. (EPA, 2008) Some of these policies include the national goal to reduce emissions intensity, current and near tem greenhouse gas reduction initiatives, climate change technology program, climate change science program and international cooperation like the IPCC and the Asia Pacific Partnership on Ocean Development and Climate. Action on global warming by cities and local government includes building codes, zoning, transportation systems and electricity production campaigns. These include local regulation requiring newly constructed homes to be more energy efficient, a city or local subsidy to encourage homeowners to install electricity generating solar panels, local regulations requiring electric utilities to produce at least 20% of their electricity from wind, solar, or other renewable energy sources. , changing the city’s or town’s zoning rules to require neighborhoods have a mix of housing, offices, industry, schools and stores close together to encourage walking and decrease the need for using cars among other regulations or local climate change policies. (American Support for Local Action on Global Warming) Conclusion Global warming is a real problem of our times. Some are skeptics and believe it is just a kind of â€Å"hysteria† by some scientists. Even if Al Gore emphasized global warming in his documentary film â€Å"The Inconvenient Truth† many still have doubts if it is real. Nature or what we call â€Å"mother earth† like humans need to be taken care of. It is our responsibility to manage our earth’s natural resources and to preserve our planet making it a livable place. If people will continue to abuse the environment and become careless in throwing toxic waste and emitting toxic gases our planet will eventually come to destruction someday. The predictions may not be far from real for us at the moment but it doesn’t mean we should neglect our responsibility in protecting our environment. There is still time for people to reduce the outcome of this event. People should start thinking seriously on how they can contribute in solving and altering the increasing scenario of global warming. Reference â€Å"American Support for Local Action on Global Warming† (2008) Yale School of Forestry And Environmental Studies. Retrieved September 29, 2008 from http://environment. yale. edu â€Å"Citizens’ Groups Reject Dirty Waste Technologies, Call For â€Å"Zero Waste for Zero Warming† (2007) Global Day Action Against Waste and Incineration. Retrieved September 29, 2008 from http://gda. no-burn. org â€Å"Enhance Energy Efficiency† (2008) Solutions-wecansolveit. org. Retrieved September 29, 2008 from http://www. wecansolveit. org â€Å"Frequent Questions† (2008). Climate Change. Retrieved September 29, 2008 from http://www. epa. gov â€Å"Global Climatic Disruption- Scientists’ Statement† (1997) Wood Hole Research Center. Retrieved September 29, 2008 from http://www. whrc. org â€Å"U. S. Climate Policy and Actions† (2008) Climate Change-U. S. Policy. Retrieved September 29, 2008 from http://www. epa. gov

Friday, September 20, 2019

Why is robbery on the increase?

Why is robbery on the increase? Robbery is the taking or attempting to take something of value from another person by threats of violence or by violence itself. Robbery can be committed against an individual person, an organization like a bank or even businesses. Robbery is a felony in all states of the world. There are two kinds of robberies which have been happening in our organization namely: Violent robbery where one uses weapons and aggravated robbery (use of toy pistols) where one uses a very deadly weapon or an imitation of a deadly weapon. It is with great concern that the company has continued to loose a lot of its assets and employees through robbery and it is therefore with this concern in mind that we have to set out the ways to minimize this vice. Our Company lost three employees and close to 30000 dollars last year as a result of robbery with violence. It is therefore in this accord that I decided to consult a lot of organizations and stakeholders in the security sector to get the possible advice of how we can be able to reduce this vice. Among the people I consulted are the Police units of this country and the various prominent security companies in this nation. I got the relevant information which I do wholly believe will be of help to our organization. My report has dealt with the initial definition of the term Robbery and I have outlined the objectives of my report. The findings and outcomes of my research have also been addressed as well as the very sensitive places/areas we need to direct our security manpower to. Lastly I have given crucial recommendations which I hope the top management of our company will adopt and lastly, I have given my personal reflection towards the whole topic of robbery. Findings and outcomes: It was noted that in order to reduce armed robberies in our organization, we should be able to train our staff with some of the best procedures which can help us reduce them. It was noted that people who handle cash should observe the following: Cash handling: Large amounts of cash should not be kept in hand and that our organization should only keep minimal cash on the premises. Conspicuous bags should always be used instead of the bank bags when carrying cash. The staff involved should always be on the alert when carrying cash. Cash should never be left lying around and it should never be counted in view of the public. Cash handling procedures should never be discussed in public. Office precautions: For us to help reduce the risk of armed robberies in our premises, I propose that: Staff should always be on the lookout for suspicious activities near our premises. The description of suspicious people and the registration of vehicles should be noted and the police informed immediately. The windows and doors at the rear of our organization should always be secured with bars and deadlocks. Electronic beepers and other security devices should be put in place to indicate when our staff are entering or leaving the business when we are open for business. The office frontage should always be uncluttered to give a clear view of the street the service area should also be placed in the street frontage. A silent alarm should be connected to a security Company or the police so that it can be activated from near our cash drawers or registers. Security cameras should also be installed so that offenders can be photographed while committing the armed robbery. Victims of robbery with violence: If one of our staff fall a victim of an armed robbery, then it is my advice that you remain calm. In any case the armed robbery is being committed; useful information such as the description of the offenders and vehicles can help in the early arrest of the offenders. However, the following should be remembered: Dont be heroic by putting your life in danger. No amount of cash is worthy a life lost. Always obey the offenders instructions and do what they tell you to do and nothing else. Dont volunteer to give any information. Always avoid eye contact with offenders and their weapons and instead concentrate on the features of the offenders. If you are not directly involved, stay out of danger by leaving the building safely and raising an alarm. A victim should be deliberate in his/her actions. Lower denomination notes should he handed to the offenders if you are ordered to hand over money, but ones safety should always be considered first. If one of you or another responsible member of staff is able, the police emergency number should be phoned immediately and the line kept open. The registration number, type and color of the vehicles used in the robbery should be carefully observed. Minor details assist the police in faster apprehension of the culprits. Physical appearance details such as age, height, build and hair color should be well noted and behavioral details like mannerisms, speech, clothing, tattoos and scars should be considered. The type of weapon used, the method and direction of escape should also be noted. All witnesses should be requested to stay until the police come since they will want to speak to them. Assure them that their evidence could be of importance when put together with other evidence and dont allow witnesses to talk about the incident. Victims of armed robbery suffer from trauma and therefore the organization should seek professional victim liaison officers to provide advice in contacting required agencies. Preventive techniques that should be implemented to prevent armed robbery: Armed robbery is one of the most potentially serious offenses committed all over the world. It is therefore important that organizations including ours must try by all means to prevent these robberies. To be able to do this, the following opening and closing procedures should always be observed: Two employees should be present during the opening and closing of the premises. When opening the premise, thorough inspection should be done to detect any signs of forcible entry before anyone enters the business. At closing time, the security officers should ensure that nobody is hiding in the business or loitering inside the compound prior to leaving the business. A well maintained and light interior and exterior should always be place. Security measures which allow the workers to have a complete view of the environment such as elevated vantage points, convex mirrors and the placement of the customer service and cash area should be visible the counter or work area should be regularly cleaned to remove old fingerprints. Make public the point that the organization uses good cash protection skills and uses very high security surveillance machines. Employees should be trained to report and watch for suspicious people outside and inside the organization. Police should be called if the employees are worried about a potential risk. Lunch hours and breaks should always be varied so that some employees are always visible in the organization. Our organization should cut back and maintain trees and shrubbery which criminals could use to hide. Employees should be informed to ask for identification from repair people, workers, guards e.t.c before they are allowed to enter into restricted areas. Our organization should consider having an automatic silent alarm system with a panic alarm system. Our organization should consider using doors that lock automatically upon closing in the secure areas. Drop or delay action time lock safe that use a dual key should be used by our organization. Use of greater criminal prosecution in Robbery cases: We as an organization wholly believe that criminal prosecution is a very effective tool in dealing with the robbery with violence cases. We also strongly believe that by enforcing greater criminal prosecution for suspected robbery suspects, we shall be demonstrating the societys opprobrium of a very offensive character in way that some methods cannot. Greater criminal prosecution should be used so as to set criminalization far apart from the regulatory sanctions which if set properly can be able to deter and punish criminals rather than deterrence and penalty. However, practical and circumstantial use of greater criminal prosecution cannot always be the best for our organization and it can lead limit its effectiveness as an instrument for solving regulatory crimes because: It always inhibits the use of more flexible and alternative sanctions. It will brand our organization with criminality when circumstances leading to these prosecutions may not be of direct consequence of our actions. It always takes a long time to come to the courts and the respondent concerned may at last be acquitted. Use of greater criminal prosecution will always fail to correct the damage already caused by that offence. It may result in the high cost in relation to the proper penalty for the offender. RECOMMENDATIONS: I highly recommend that the top management should be holding security meetings with all the employees and inform them that the security of our organization is paramount to everything else. We therefore recommend that all our staff should be taken through all the necessary security trainings so that they can be informed that the security of an organization does not entirely depend on the security personnel alone but on everyone. I will recommend that the top management to allocate a certain percentage of the income in this financial year so that sophisticated security systems and cameras are purchased and installed in the organization. This will ensure that possible robbery threats in our organization are dealt with. My personal Reflection: I have personally heard many friends tell me about how their houses, organizations, businesses have robbed and the associated trauma they have suffered as a result of this robbery. In some instances, many victims have lived to tell the story but in some other unfortunate incidences, the victims have fallen victims of this inhuman behaviour and thereby succumbed to death. I personally tried to interview some security personnel and at most times, most of them have blankly told me that their companies are seldom well equipped to deal with the robbers. They claim the top management is very uncooperative as far as security concerns are concerned. I therefore realized that the loss of assets and human life could be tremendously reduced if all the stakeholders in an organization worked as a team and put in strong security mechanisms to deter robbery with violence. I could therefore like to urge everyone everywhere to realize that security doesnt involve the security personnel or the police alone but is a collective responsibility for each and every individual. We must all join hands towards the prevention of robbery.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Saint Joan of Arc :: Essays Papers

Saint Joan of Arc The Lindau Gospel Book Cover is a signatory representative of the early and mid 9th century due to its quality to compel and garner admiration from the common masses. The cover exemplifies the attributes of many other works from its period. It is a safe assumption that the majority of the citizens that lived during the time these works were created couldn’t read, and that works of art such as the book cover could function as a metaphor for the story contained within. Stories like the Passion could be depicted on a slab of stone or pressed into a sheet of gold to show levels of importance on particular moments. One example of a multi-level drawing is that of the Utrecht Psalter. The Psalter, created around 820 in Reims, is a preliminary source for the style of metaphor overlaid in visual representation1. The Psalter provided an interpretation to all of the Biblical allusions, sometimes very cleverly. Though the type of visual representation found in the Psalter are thought to be modeled after earlier forms2 there is a certain simplicity in style that seems to compel not the courtesans, but the common citizen3 . The images are highly stylized, a far cry from the art of the aristocracy; even more telling, it was rendered in the very local artistic style of the workshops of Reims4. The drawings are impressionistic5 and worked as a puzzle for the viewer6. There was a definite link reaching out from the work to the viewer, the Psalter served as a prototypical way of engaging the audience in a visual tale while communicating the literal story behind it7. The viewer was able to take a mental pictu re of a liturgical event8. This style progressed and found its way to other visual forms9. The ivory book covers illustrating Psalms 50 and 51 had drawn influence and may have been in fact directly modeled after the Utrecht Psalter10. The ivories depict the same scenes from the Psalms drawn into the Utrecht Psalter, however, the ivory panels are more of an abridged version11. The progression from drawing to book covers represents a certain leap in audience and visual structure even if just momentarily or inadvertently, since ivory was a luxury few could afford, and the meticulous undercutting even fewer12. The scenes did however grow in leaps and bounds in the method of figural representation, realistic drapery, and depth that is monumentally achieved in such a minimal space13.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Mother Theresa :: essays research papers

Mother Theresa: Saint of the Gutters (1910-1997) A modern day savior was born to the world in 1910 in Skopje Yugoslavia. Born under the name Agnes Gongxha Bojaxhiu, she later took the name Teresa after St. Teresa, patroness of missionaries. Joining the Sisters of Loretoat the tender age of 18, she came across many events that would touch her life in the most special way; inspiring her to do many great deeds for human kinds. In 1948, Mother Teresa came across a half-dying woman lying in front of the Calcutta hospital. Through the compassion of her dear heart, Mother Teresa stayed with her until she passed into the after-life. Through this one kind act, Mother Teresa devoted her life to helping the poorest in India. She gained the name, â€Å" Saint of Gutters† from her many kind works. Mother Teresa founded the order of nuns known as the â€Å" Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta.† The group of 12 became a group of 3,000 in 50 years. That is three thousand women in India which have donated their lives to helping the poor in India around the world. Mother Teresa would not stop there. She founded the Nirmal Hriday, a home for the Dying, in a former temple located in Calcutta. This was a foundation that took the dying Indians off the street and brought them in to a nice, peaceful environment. Although Mother Teresa was not able to cure the people through some divine power, she did offer the dying Indians a peaceful place of comfort for them to release themselves into the after life in dignity. She saw the love of Jesus within every man, woman and child she brought in. No matter what ailed them, Mother Teresa still found the compassion in heart to bring them in. For 50 years she continued to help the poor, conquering many emotional times with the aid of her faith in God. The respect she received from the world won her a Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. Over the past two decades, Mother Teresa had begun to see end of her long hard journey.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

American Immigration :: essays research papers

American Immigration Laws Bouncers at the Border ;Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" These are the words inscribed at the base of the Statue of Liberty, which has become the American icon for those who wish to make the United Stated thier home. How true do these words hold relative to US immigration polocies? The US is a Nation of Immigrants. Since this its beginnings, immigration has played a vital part in this countries development. People from all parts of the world, from different ethinic, political, religious, and cultrual backgrounds populate this mass of land east of the Pacific and west of the Atlantic. This compilation of people is often described with metaphors such as "melting pot" or "cultural mosaic." It is this diversity that is practically synonimous with United States of America nearly since its infancy. It is also this diversity that has creatied such controversy. Natural human fear of what is different has caused more established groups of people to question the place in society of those groups of people that are relatively new. This is a general statement that sums up, for the most part, the specific issues that are seen as controversial. Throughout history these issues have been fairly public. The main controversy lies in the passing of a pleth era of laws throughout the existence of the US regulating immigration and in the handling of illegal immigration. Modern immigration polocies have recieved less and less publicity as tolerance becomes more widespread, although each person is entitled to their own opinion about the issue.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Physician Assisted Suicide

Physician-assisted suicide (PAS) and euthanasia is a widely debated and controversial topic in our society. It is believed that the principle of PAS and euthanasia portrays, â€Å"merciful acts that deliver terminally ill patients from painful and protracted death† (page 477, column 2). In the paper, â€Å"Physician-Assisted Suicide: A Tragic View,† John D. Arras discusses the subject and states that while he agrees with patients making decisions, implementing laws supporting PAS and euthanasia is a huge threat to our social order.However, John D. Arras also concludes that he does not disapprove with the possibility of having a legislative policy in favor of PAS/euthanasia, only if there is â€Å"sufficient evidence of reliability of various safeguards† (page 477, column 2). To begin, it is important to look at the possibility of PAS and euthanasia being a positive practice in our medical profession. John D. Arras looks at a situation which poses a patient suffer ing from uncontrolled pain by having the physician ignore their decisions amongst life and death.He mentions that physicians may contribute to â€Å"suicide and suicidal ideation† (page 478, column 1) which is statistically shown in over fifty percent of cancer patients who suffer from uncontrolled pain that is often brought on by untreated depression. In this situation however, if patient is given control of their own lives and obtain adequate psychiatric and palliative care to treat depression, it is assumed that most would lose interest in PAS/euthanasia. Using a similar example, there will always be a small amount of patients who may have pain that cannot be treated, for these patients J.Arras believes that present law on PAS/euthanasia can represent an impossible barrier to a distinguished and decent death. In comparison to the argument above, there are more objections towards the legalization of PAS and euthanasia because it is widely seen as â€Å"inherently immoral, as violations of the moral rule against killing the innocent† (page 477, column 2). With this being said, J. Arras argues that objections cumulate through having a patient decide if they should live or die and having liberalization occur.His first argument concludes that, the practice of PAS would be almost impossible to keep within reasonable boundaries and that there must be a line drawn between active euthanasia. Instead, legalization of PAS entails a â€Å"wholesomely modest policy agenda,† (page 478, column 1) that limits reforms to only a certain group of individuals therefore excluding those who are actually terminally ill and are suffering. In fact, legalization poses a threat towards how society looks at patient autonomy and mercy, because fatal illnesses would be hard to confirm. An example of this situation is mentioned by J.Arras as he evaluates the fact that if one individual does not find value to living his life how does that differ from a patient who is ill with cancer. Proving that situation, it is seen that legalization of PAS has many flaws, one of which includes discrimination against patients if active euthanasia is banned. It would also cause more harm than good if the physician does not take into consideration the patient’s state of mind. By allocating patients with suitable palliative care, physicians would be able to â€Å"distinguish fact from fiction in the ethics and law of pain relief† (page 482, column 2).

Sunday, September 15, 2019

High School vs College Essay

As we go on in life we face many challenges and new situations that we deal with. A new situation that most people deal with is college and all the changes that come along with it. What many people don’t realize is that high school, in many ways, is similar and differrent from college. Not only are people changing but the surroundings and work change as well. There are some things that seem to never change such as some work and people. The majority of the work in college is very similar to high school. An example would be the Critical Thinking homework. In that class you have to re-write a sentence that is not proper and make it correct in high school I had to do the same thing in my English class. The papers are also similar; in high school I would have to write papers all the time just like in college. In World Culture class you have to answer questions throughout the book. In high school you had to do the same; you would have to read through the book and answer questions. The biggest difference from high school to college is the responsibility level that you take on. When you’re in high school teachers tend to watch over what you do and chase you down for an assignment you didn’t do. 1 College is different; the only person that makes sure your work gets done is you. 1 No professor chases a student down for work and watches everything you do; they correct the papers and tell you what is wrong. The student has the responsibility of either doing the work or not. 2 Time management is something that everyone must develop in college. In high school you have a usual routine that you follow, day to day. In college you usually have a few classes a day or maybe classes that are back to back. 1 Sometimes the classes are early and sometimes they are late. It is up to the student to manage there time doing homework and other activities in college. Time management is big because you can be lazy and not take time to do work or you could take every moment to accomplish things you need to do throughout the day. 2 An example would be playing video games when you should actually be writing a paper or doing other important work. This can make or break someone who is going off to college. In high school people usually fall into â€Å"cliques† or certain groups of people they hang around with. College and high school are similar; an example is that if someone plays football tend to spend more time with each other. They usually talk with one another or share a bond which no one else usually has. In high school people tend to do the same thing, kids group up with either the jocks or other groups. People just make friends more easily if they have something in common. A big difference between college and high school is a new place of living. When you’re at home and going to high school your parents cook, shop, and make sure you do your work. At college things are different; you have to do all those that you parents did at home. An example would be doing your laundry. Not many kids do their own laundry, so when it comes to college, things are very different. That’s why people say that when you’re in college you tend to mature due to the new style of living, which is living on your own. In college the amount of classes and the time you have to go for is different from high school. In high school you go in at the same time every day, which for me was 7:15 A. M. In college classes are usually a few times a week and longer than classes in high school. An example would be that my roommate only had one class on Wednesday which was 4:00 p. m. to 7:00 p. m. In high school you have the same classes every day and usually for the same amount of time unless your high school does â€Å"double blocks. † The point is that in high school it’s the same routine day to day but in college it changes day to day. Learning new things in high school are similar to college. How teachers taught us in high school was by handing out notes or taking notes from the black/white board. College is the same way; in my economics class we take notes from the black board or sometimes a projector. The notebook that I have now for notes is very similar to the one I had in high school. Writing papers in college are more common than in high school. In high school you do write papers but not as many as you tend to write in college. In college on average I have two papers a week to type and in high school I would maybe get one a week. They would also go more in-depth when correcting our papers. They would mark every mistake down, which kind of helped me become better when it came to writing papers. The lengths of papers in high school seem to be the same as the ones in college such as length and the content/structure. All the papers that have been passed in are about the same as high school. In high school papers were usually somewhere between 3 and 5 pages. The papers that have been turned in usually consist of the same format and writing style. Unity is something that’s very different from high school to college. In high school you pretty much know everyone, because every day you see the same people over and over. Even in large schools you go to the same classes every day and see the same people. College is different because it’s bigger and most of the kids you usually don’t see again. You may see them once or twice a month if lucky. This also depends on what type of school you go to. If you go to a small college then there is a good chance you will see people over and over again. As people go in life they will face changes every day and also see things that are similar to the past. When people go to college they tend to relate to this, they face many similarities and differences from high school. The differences between high school and college seem to be on a larger scale, such as living and responsibilities. The differences seem to change people, mostly for the better. People learn as life goes on; college helps doing this because it shows people new differences which people must change their ways to adapt to a new stage of life. Works Cited 1. The Differences: High School vs. College. 2003. 27 April 2007. http://www. murraystate. edu/secsv/fye/hsvscollege. htm. 2. High School vs. College. 2007. 27 April 2007. http://advising. buffalo. edu/firstyear/highschool_college. php.

Macro Environmental Factors Essay

Lancaster (2011) defines the macro environment as ’those global elements over which the organization has no control over but which affect the organization’s ability to serve its customers profitably.’ There are six major macro environment forces: cultural, demographic, economic, natural, political, and technological. The cultural environment includes institutions and other forces that affect the basic values, behaviours, and preferences of the society-all of which have an effect on consumer marketing decisions. The demographic environment includes the study of human populations in terms of size, density, location, age, sex, race, occupation, and other statistical information. The economic environment consists of all factors-such as salary levels, credit trends, and pricing patterns-that affect consumer spending habits and purchasing power. The (ecological) natural environment involves all the natural resources, such as raw materials or energy sources, needed by or affected by marketers and marketing activities. The political environment includes all laws, government agencies, and lobbying groups that influence or restrict individuals or organizations in the society. The technological environment consists of those forces that affect the technology and which can create new products, new markets, and new marketing opportunities. This is a way a country is governed, and they are usually more than one political party in a country thus bring in threats and opportunities to the businesses operating in such an environment. There two possible out comes from political environment are stability and changes in the ruling government. When a country has a multi-party system the environment is most likely to be associated with political instability as parties are battling for power. Political unrest is destructive to any business activity. In most cases these unrests results in loss of assets without compensation. The decision by the ruling party in Zimbabwe in 2000 was the land reform program which in principle was to redress the imbalance of land ownership between the black majority and white minority. The effect was a sharp decline in agricultural output as the white commercial farmers were mostly replaced by either politician or high ranking government officials most of whom were not really passionate about farming or by peasant farmers who had neither the technical knowledge nor resource to undertake farming at commercial level. For example, Delta as a result of poor agricultural season sorghum beer volumes declined with 8 percent as the supply of raw materials have been affected and the black majority in the farms could not cope up w this change in the season(The Sunday Mail Business ,page B7, 19 may 2013). Political instability is a favourable environment for an organization to operate in because they will be able to strategically plan and set objectives and they will be SMART. In Zimbabwe since the GNU the economy has stabilizes that firms such as delta could set themselves goals to achieve within a specific time frame and Delta has been pouring cash into re-tooling, re-capitalization and strategically positioning its business. Changes in government, as governments are formed by political parties. Government exert pressure on business through enactment and enforcement of legislation and formulation and implementation of government policies. For example government that might come onto power may cause threa ts to delta in the sense that it may be The social cultural factors are those factors which are considered to be socially acceptable in a society. These include the attitudes of the society to foreign goods and services, the dominant religion in that area, population structure-older generation wealth and pressure groups etc. as a firm it has to be aware of the dominant region in the area it is operating. For instance in Zimbabwe there are more than 60% Christians therefore it has to sell more of soft drinks to beer thereby affecting their decisions on what quantity to produce and their pricing strategies. It is unwise for DELTA to market its products in a market it is not aware of what’s being socially acceptable in that area, taking this scenario when DELTA tried to market its products like scud lion lager in the market of Mozambique. In Mozambique people prefer beer in small containers but with high alcoholic percentages, thus their products did not make t in the Mozambique cane market. Therefore a firm has to fir st consider the social cultural factors of the market it wants to operate in for there are the potential customers of tomorrow for their business. This is the application of scientific knowledge to convert resources of an economy into outputs. On the technological aspect will be looking at the entrance of better and effective +ways in terms of machinery and products etc. Technology is vital for competitive advantage, and is also a major driver of globalization. This involves the creation of new markets and opportunities were a firm can easily adopt a new innovative way of doing operation and this enables it to compete globally. The uses of better advanced technology have a greater impact on the processes and performance of a firm. Technology is vital for competitive advantage, and is a major driver of globalization. The Delta Beverages has moved into modern packaging like the light 300mml bottle which uses fewer materials in production. The bottle was 25% heavier than the new one. The new plant for the bottle reduces rejects and output was enhanced to 42000 per hour Let’s take for instance Delta it needs to switch from being labour intensive to capital intensive in order to produce more quality efficiently and effectively as new advanced machinery will be introduced in the market. It means that if there were twenty employees who were mixing the contents and filling containers of coke they are automatically going to be eliminated. Therefore their way of doing operations need to be reorganised .As a result of using modern communication Medias like video conferencing and Skype managers can now make decisions whilst on holiday and it also enables exchange of vital information among workers at different geographical location easily. Organisations are also affected by the ecological 3factors; these are environmental factors that affect the businesses. It involves factors that occur naturally like drought, tsunami, floods etc. These factors have a greater impact on the operations of a business. For example if Zimbabwe is being affected by drought this means that the agricultural sector will have little to produce and for Delta which rely on sorghum as raw materials to manufacture beer , it will have to export those resources from other countries .Therefore this will affect the decisions ,strategies ,processes and their performance . A worker who will be involved in production will absent themselves from working search of food to sustain their families. Floods have also a negative impact on the operations of businesses as they result in deaths, destruction of infrastructure or the premises of the organisations leading to closure of some business and deaths of personnel. And the legal factors can be classified as polices, laws, rules and regulations adopted by the Government ruling at that time. These factors may have a greater impact on the decisions and strategies to be adopted by a firm. The Government they may adopt pricing policies. For instance the Government may put a price ceiling say a king-size bottle of soft drinks should not go above $0,50c so as DELTA it has to abide to the laws of the Government for it to continue operate in the market of Zimbabwe. The pricing policies impose on the farm produce also had an impact on the performance of DELTA as a firm. Say sorghum is said that its price should not precede $2 per kilogram, these means that the farmers will not be willing to sell their produce to the market thus leading DELTA to import in order to operate at their expected production line and experience an increase in their cost of production. So we can safely say some of the policies adopted by the Government may lead to an increase in p rices or reduction in production causing shortages in the market. However there are some of the legal factors imposed by the Government to the economy which affect the performance, decisions, strategies and processes of DELTA as a firm. For example the ‘MURAMBATSVINA’ policy which resulted to an increase in unemployment meaning to say that it also lead to an decrease in the level of spending of people. So DELTA as a firm sell more like luxuries goods so people are likely to reduce their consumption of such like products, thus may result in the reduction of prices of the products in order to lure the customers to buy and maintain their market share. Be that it may, not all the policies, rules and regulations set by the Government and laws will have an effect on the operations of DELTA.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Reasons Why Cloning is Unethical Essay

From the day that ‘Dolly the sheep’ made it to the headline news, the controversy regarding her existence has never ceased. It is quite amazing, how the issues surrounding a sheep could create such a great divide on public opinion, stir up much debate in scientific halls, and whose implications caused a dilemma that reached a magnitude which needed a presidential decision. Needless to say, the debate did not concern agriculture or animal rights, but on how she came to be — by cloning. Contrary to popular belief, these clinical ventures though, were not done by sheer sense of adventurism, or by simple acts of human arrogance of ‘playing God’. Instead, this breakthrough in the field of biotechnology, along with other related cases, was carried out with the legitimate purpose of propagating livestock that carry desirable traits. Breeders can easily then raise farm animals that have the preferred traits and thus increase productivity and yield. Also, lab research for the noble intention of developing drugs, require numerous testing on animals before it can finally be declared effective and safe for human use. Cloning would allow them to produce test-animals that display similar or identical characteristics and thus help validate results. There are several other reasons why cloning is held by many scientists as an essential means for improving human condition. However, such so-called conditions had now been raised to the point of fulfilling needs other than physical necessities. Man’s many woes and flaws in life such as the pain of losing a loved one or childless couples having to bear the unfulfilled desire of loving and rearing their own children, are just a few of the many disadvantages that confronts finite man. Today through science, man is longing to challenge and ‘correct’ these impossible odds. Would cloning be the answer? II. Man’s Contemporary Alternative: Merits of Cloning-to Produce-Children Distinguished British philosopher Mary Warnock, expressed her support in favour of utilizing the technology of cloning to produce children. She believes that there is nothing wrong with this procedure and thereby there should be no question on the ethical soundness of such an endeavour (Connor, 2002). Together with the rest of those who agree with her, they believe that cloning offers an excellent solution for the following problems: A. To Help Sterile Parent/s Obtain Biologically Related Children Individuals or parents who long to have their own offspring, but are hindered by sterility or some other reason — the only presented solution so far have been adoption. There are different reasons why some had found this unsatisfactory. With cloning, a sterile man can now have the opportunity of producing a child that bears his own characteristics. The need to find a sperm donor is eliminated, and consequently eliminates the possibility of their child acquiring and passing on undesirable traits to future generation outside the couple. Such a method also opens for an attractive possibility not only for sterile couples but for homosexual couples and individuals who desire to raise a child of their own but do not want the entanglements of a marriage union. B. Pass-on a Genetic Disease Individuals or parents who carry defective genes such as a genetic disease can now hope to eliminate passing the disease to the following generations. Cloning would assure the parents of being able to raise children who will not be troubled by the heritable disorder. C. Pain of Losing a Loved One The grief of losing a loved one can now be alleviated by cloning the dying or dead significant person. Since cloning involves the passing on of exact physical characteristics, producing a cloned individual would invariably cause ‘replication’ of the deceased loved one or relative. Those who are left, will be comforted by ‘seeing’ their dead spouse, child or relative ‘live again’ on the cloned individual. Although, there would be major differences in experiences which would make it entirely impossible to make an exact copy of an individual in all aspects, cloning would bring a connection of the lost loved one with the grieving members. D. Society’s Desire to Have Individuals with Superior Abilities or Qualities Cloning brings families and societies to have super-human individuals by cloning outstanding athletes, musicians, men and women renowned for their beauty, or geniuses. By replicating these individuals, it is presumed that these superior qualities are determined by certain genetic make-up and thus, will be passed on through cloning. III. Reasons for Argument Cloning violates the ethics of human experimentation on the following grounds: A. Concern on Safety Of utmost concern when cloning humans is the high risk involved. As of the moment, the cloning procedure being done in experimenting mammals has shown how unsafe it is to be even applied in humans. Many embryos got wasted as it took 277 attempts before finally producing Dolly the sheep (Gawler, 2000). Barely just being six years old later, Dolly became severely ill and had to be submitted for euthanasia. Careful examination revealed that her chromosomes had shown premature signs of aging (â€Å"Cloning†). The possibility of creating inborn abnormalities or congenital defects caused by the procedure should even bring parents with a hereditary disease not to employ cloning. While it could hold promise of not passing on genetic diseases to their child, the latter is also vulnerable for congenital malformation. Also, since several donor eggs and substitute mothers are needed before achieving success, this places risks on several women. Experiments on animals had shown that there is high occurrence of premature abortion on cloned fetuses. If done on humans, continous abortion could lead to greater possibility of maternal death. B. The Issue of Consent Cloning also undermines the right of the cloned individual. In contrast to the risks that could bring to surrogate mother or the gene donor, the risks posed at the cloned individual do not have the individual’s consent. Most often, the right to exercise freedom is often called by those who promote it. This is often based on the ‘freedom to reproduce’. This means that the constitution protects individuals or parents to freely choose whether they are to have children or not (Eisenstadt v. Baird, 1972). However, in exercising that right, it overrides the freedom of choice on the cloned individual. True, reproductive freedom permits anybody to decide whether to have a child or not without hindrances by the government. It does not however, in any way, allow anyone to do it by whatever means and in complete disregard for the welfare of others. C. Possible Exploitation of Women Since cloning requires numerous tests before any attempts could become fruitful, large quantity of donor eggs will be needed. Getting the egg would subject the woman donor of hormonal treatment that gives high health risks. Furthermore, what would most likely happen is that these women donors would be offered a substantial amount of money, and thus could lure poor women to compromise their health in exchange for financial gain (Council on Bioethics, 2002). IV. Conclusion More often, the concern for safety is limited on the aspect of limiting or perfecting the procedure. It does not consider the possible undesirable effects it would have — after it is accomplished. This perspective of safety does not take consideration on the unexpected effects it would have on the individual, family involved and society in general. The relationships between members of those with cloned children would greatly be altered compared to conventional family set-up. Would the cloned individual of a father be his child or twin? Obviously, cloning will rearrange how family relations will be treated. Before any attempts to cloning-to-produce children be done, would be parent/s should give grave concern on the potential psychological effects this would have on the one being cloned. What also needs special consideration is it’s the social impact caused by confusion. Cloning might open for unnecessary expensive legal battles, over custody as to who really are the child’s parents. Each individual who has a part of the cloned child might fight to claim for custody over the child. Given that such asexual means to produce children is not strange, faulty or imperfect, there is serious error on the purpose by which it longs for implementation. It places more significance on the one which will be cloned by replicating the person, rather than the cloned child. Human experience has revealed that man has the tendency to abuse, and therefore such technology can be used for vain reasons. Cloning somehow claims to provide solutions for man’s problems, the solution however, creates more problems. Given the demerits of the cause, it would far benefit society to keep from toying with strange methods. Works Cited: 1. Connor, S. (2002). Warnock: ‘No ethical reason to ban cloning’. The Independent. Retrieved 20 Nov. 2008 2. Gawler, DM. Human cloning: Scientific, ethical and regulatory issues. [Electronic Version] Retrieved 20 Nov. 2008

Friday, September 13, 2019

One written project on the theme of one selected characteristic Essay

One written project on the theme of one selected characteristic associated with the Business Entrepreneur and researched in the context of one noteworthy entrep - Essay Example But anybody can be an entrepreneur if one has the thirst to achieve the goals. The era of globalization and the easy availability of information have opened up innumerable opportunities as never before. There is a considerable increase in the number of people who venture out of their comfort zones and explore new arenas to experience the challenges of entrepreneurship. What are the factors that motivate ordinary people to do extraordinary things What are the characteristics that make people to change the way things are done and to contribute to the development of the mankind These are some very interesting questions which have been attempted to answer by people across the world. This essay focuses on entrepreneurship and characteristic features of entrepreneurs that helps them to be successful in their ventures. A general survey of the available literature on entrepreneurship and an analysis of the characteristics of one entrepreneur, in this case, Mr. Bill Gates, is included. The purpose of this essay is to understand the psychological makeup of en entrepreneur, which will be very useful to groom ourselves into entrepreneurs. To understand the characteristics of entrepreneurs, first we should know what is entrepreneurship and who is an entrepreneur. In his publication, Carton1(1998), has taken the idea from Peter Drucker that entrepreneurship is a practice. He mentions that entrepreneurship begins with action, the creation of a new organization. This organization may or may not become self-sustaining and in fact may never earn significant revenues. But, when individuals create a new organization, they have entered the entrepreneurship paradigm. The antecedents such as the scanning of the environment for opportunity, the identification of the opportunity to pursue, the evaluation of the feasibility of the new venture, the individual traits, characteristics, prior experience, knowledge, and education of the entrepreneur, the impact of role models, environmental munificence, and societal values are considered by the entrepreneur and all of these factors influence new venture formation and should be included in the entrepreneurship paradigm. However, entrepreneurs do not just plan. They act. It is this action that distinguishes them. Accordingly, without the creation of a new venture, entrepreneurship has not occurred. Hence, we should first understand that an entrepreneur is a person who acts. Paul Andrews2, biographer of Bill Gates, mentions that Bill Gates had the ability to look at software as a separate component from hardware. Until then, software was seen as a component of computer. Bill Gates is the Entrepreneur of the Millennium because of the way in which he built up on a new idea. The innovation makes the difference in the way people live and act across the world. In their Personal Interest, Attitude & Value (PIAV) survey, Gavin Devereux and Evan Popplestone (2001)3 mention that the major factor that motivates people to venture out into the paradigm of entrepreneurship is the Utilitarian attitude. 79.59% of the respondents had placed it on the top and this suggests that the overwhelming motivating factor for Entrepreneurs is to utilize and gain a return on their investment of time, talent and resources. The next factor that was mentioned by most of the entrepreneurs studied was the need for individualism and this suggests that Entrepreneurs are also motivated by a strong desire to personally advance, express Individualism and be in control

Thursday, September 12, 2019

A CRITICAL INCIDENT REPORT Lab Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

A CRITICAL INCIDENT - Lab Report Example Therefore, giving dehydrated patients enough water serves to increase the ability of the patient to fight other illnesses, hence promoting their safety (â€Å"National Patient Safety Agency†, 2007). Consequent to this, the following discussion highlights one of the incidences that involved failure of a nurse to give water to a dehydrated patient. The error worsened the condition of the patient, increasing harm to the patient. I once observed an incidence that occurred in the surgical ward involving an elderly man, who was admitted with critical limb ischaemia. His right leg was greatly affected, thus causing him a lot of pain. The patient was also frail and was diagnosed with dehydration on admission, which characterizes many elderly patients (Scales, 2011). Therefore, an overnight plan was laid out to help him rehydrate his body. The plan consisted of close monitoring of the patient’s fluid balance as he was to be given plenty of water for the night. More to this, his urine measurements were to be taken on an hourly basis. However, the nurse on duty did not follow the plan as expected. The nurse seemed a bit tired on this particular night, thus spent little time with the patients. The patient received 1000ml of water in 12 hours, as the nurse did not take heed to the doctor’s instructions to monitor the patient closely. Additionally, the patient received only four urine measurements as opp osed to the hourly measurements. The patient’s output remained dangerously low during the entire period, but no action was taken to try and seek a solution for the patient. This made the condition of the patient worse as he was still dry, and made little urine in the morning. More to this, the leg of the patient had worsened, and the chances of salvaging the leg were quite low. This situation compromised the safety of the patient as water plays a critical role in a patient’s body. Therefore, denying this patient the water required by his body made his condition

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Sustainable Tourism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sustainable Tourism - Research Paper Example This forms of tourism, in which foreign people visits other places for leisure and exploration. 2. Supporting the protection of natural areas by generating economic benefits for host communities, providing alternative employment and income opportunities for local communities and increasing awareness towards the conservation of natural and cultural assets. Ecotourism and sustainable tourism are both inclined in traveling and exploration of beautiful places all over the world. But ecotourism focuses on the conservation and sustainability of our environment, where it should be nurtured, preserved and cared for a sustainable biosphere. The consideration to the environment is much given emphasis in ecotourism. On the other hand, sustainable tourism focused on line with the continuous process and application of more travels and tourisms. It ideally uses the resources for national growth. What it considers is the development t of the society and economic status of the State. Assessment 3 Hunter (1995) define sustainable tourism as the basis of the definition of sustainability in the Brundtland Report as follows: Sustainable Tourism Development (STD) should consider these concerns: 1. meet the needs and wants of the local host community in terms of improved living standards and quality of life. Here he possesses that the state and the people should have progress in living. 2. Satisfy the demands of tourists and the tourism industry, and continue to attract them in order to meet the first aim; and, - The state should make sure that their tourist spots should satisfy the visitors, and continuously attract more and more and encourage them to come back. 3. Safeguard the environmental resource base for tourism, encompassing natural, built and cultural components; in order to achieve both the preceding aims. - there should be planning's to attain and assurance o have this place favorable universally. Assessment 4 Swarbrooke criticize the sustainable tour

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Security and loss prevention Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Security and loss prevention - Essay Example Fijnaut (1995) attributes growth in private security to economically motivated reactions to increased criminal-related losses. The growth in many private business properties such as recreational parks and mega shopping malls led to an increase in special crime-related problems as noted by Shearing and Stenning (1983). The high increase in crime during this period resulted in many businesses incurring a lot of losses. This prompted the need to use private security to guard the businesses instead of relying state security that did not provide quick response to crime (Fijnaut, 1995). The recent growth in technology has also contributed to the increase in private security. This is due to the facts that new, advanced surveillance technologies could be used which was not the case in earlier times. The new technologies reduced the cost of security, which then stimulated demand for private security services that were (and still are) more cost effective. Fijnaut (1995) also notes that the growth was also attributed to the fact that many large companies in the eighties had economic drives, which led to slimming down of their secondary functions. These companies therefore decided to shift to the use of private security to replace the guards. Privatization of secondary functions by the governments also led to the growth in private security. In this case Fijnaut (1995) notes that government agencies like the prisons and police services began contracting elementary duties such as those of receptionists and access controls and transport to private security firms. In order to promote growth in private security, most governments in Europe introduced legislations regulating private security firms. In this case, private companies are required to fulfill certain requirements before they can be licensed. This is to ensure that individual guards’ criminal records are checked as a selection procedure (Fijnaut, 1995). This enabled those

Monday, September 9, 2019

MGM600-0803B-02 Applied Managerial Decision-Making - Phase 3 Essay

MGM600-0803B-02 Applied Managerial Decision-Making - Phase 3 Discussion Board 2 - Essay Example ANOVA test is of two types, One-Factor ANOVA and Two-Factor ANOVA (with and without replication). In One-Factor ANOVA, Dependent Variable (numerical) may be affected by one independent variable (categorical). In Two-Factor ANOVA, Dependent Variable (numerical) may be affected by two independent variables (categorical). An ANOVA test is useful, when different data sets (more than two) need to be compared for similar distribution population (treatment. A t-test can also be used for comparison; however, it is limited to two samples. For more than two data sets, many t-test needs to be carried out sequentially that will increase statistical error due to accumulation. An ANOVA test lessons the statistical error due to analysis of entire data set at once and makes it more likely that a determination can be made in valid manner (Skrzypczak, 2006; Pieniazekon, A. 2007). Suppose 10 day’s daily defect rates for automotive computer chips manufactured production data for four different plant locations were available. Now for this data ANOVA can be useful for determining whether the observed differences in the plants’ sample mean defect rates merely due to random variation or the observed differences between the plants’ defect rates too great to be attributed to chance. Here ANOVA hypothesis will be ‘mean defects rates are same for at all four plants (H0)’ and ‘at least one mean differs from the others (H1)’. The One-Factor ANOVA dependent variable will be defect rate and independent variable will be plant locations (Doane, & Seward, 2007). Suppose a hospital management needs to test whether a patient’s length of a stay (LOS) depends on the diagnostic-related group (DRG) code and the patient’s age group, so that resources and fixed costs are correctly allocated. Considering case of bone fracture, LOS is a dependent variable measured in hours and type of fracture (facial, radius or ulna, hip or femur, other lower extremity, all other) and

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Senior Paper on Building an Hacintosh Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Senior Paper on Building an Hacintosh - Essay Example The reason as to why this question is important is because there are several OS that people and companies have come up with, and which can be used interchangeably to ensure that the machines are compatible and can work effectively. The aim of the study will be to give information on the different reasons as to why different people and institutions use different OS instead of using the common OS from Apple. Before conducting the research, I knew that there existed several OS that have been hacked and most of them if not all are being used today. What I want to discover after the study is the reasons as to why people consider using the OS that have been hacked instead of using the OS from Apple that is considered real and proper. One of the reasons why people use different OS is because of the security that they find in using one type of the Operating System. People have a belief that the operating system they chose to use has a big probability of providing protection and security to t he files which have been stored in the computer (Chaubal 117). They believe a certain Operating System can be able to protect information that has been put in place by the users and thus view it as advantage of using the Operating System instead of the others which have been built to serve the same purpose. The government for example have their computers and machines used by several users, and have they may opt to use an Operating System that is not the same as that which an individual user may use. This is because the many different users who use the government facilities machines may tamper with the information that another person may have saved in the machine. There are systems which have been developed, and they cannot detect some of the viruses that come along with the surfing process. Therefore, people are coming up with various ways in which they are able to built operating systems that have trusted computing base that has software which provide security to the machines (Jaeg er 6). The Trusted Computing Base in the operating system depends on its level, which can either be formally verified, tested fully or which the community accepts and trusts to be effective. There are people who use the formally verified system because they believe that they can be able to protect their data which is stored in the computers (Franklin and Coustan 1). Each security problem should be accessed by the process which is allowed to do so. It means that the operating system is able to perform each of the functions needed to ensure that the problems occurring in any of the machines used can be well accessed and solved using the proper operating system (Spring 3). Some people view operating systems to have different capabilities of solving problems and thus this is the reason as to why they use different operating systems. Another reason as to why people choose one operating system over the other is the cost incurred in purchasing and installing the system into the computer. P eople and companies use the operating systems that reduce on the total cost incurred in using that specific operating system. Those people and companies who have fewer resources look for cheaper operating systems. Other institutions which have resources and lots of money such as government institutions will not mind giving in extra costs to get and purchase a fancy operating system (Bekman 1). Some of the